October 9, 2009

Even dough success of hirudotherapy is clear and confirmed by medical research, and every day brings new fascinating discoveries, we are facing some barriers: 


Most of all, in US, there is a lock of so called "folk medicine"  traditions associated with leeches from the past..."... Leeches? Yuk... May be for fishing, but not on MY BODY!"... 

 This type of reactions I am "reading" on many faces of my prospective clients...On the other hand, "baby-bummers" from the early 1950's, born and raised in "Old Country", do remember big jars full of lazy swimming leeches honorably exposed in windows of many pharmacies... 

Not that we were not frightening or disgusted, but over the years we heard the "good" stories about leeches and their healing miracles. We remember bloodletting of a  "bad blood" and we remember a Happy Ending Stories for the very ill relatives... 

There is a # 2.

(to be cont.)

Thank You!     



October 9, 2009
Please respond with your comments, questions or maybe a story regarding Leech Therapy! Welcome!




Alicja Kolyszko Please read my website! Welcome to the NEW WAY OF HEALING, with over 3000 years old TRADITION! HIRUDOTHERAPY - LEECHES RUN THE SHOW UNDER A-LEECH-A SUPERVISION! (Alicja, given name, READ: ALEECHA!)

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