How IT works?

Applying, monitoring leeches and the patient, takes a lot of time and effort. Please note that hirudotherapy, which it seems simple at first, is not simple at all. Please do not try this procedure on your own unless you are a certified hirudotherapist!. 

"...To fully understand why leech therapy works in such a wide range of applications, one must realize that the therapeutic activity of leech therapy (which is still not fully understood) is not based on a single mechanism of action, but on a combination of multiple effects. If conceived as a form of local drug therapy, a complex model would have to be used to explain the pharmacological action of leeching. The leech could then be compared to a drug that acts locally in a palm-sized region...." 

(U. Storck, MD, Rheumatic Disease Center, Germany)

Yes, leech therapy is NOT limited to the "local" drug therapy! Hirudotherapy is a complex treatment, is a suplemental form to the Osteopatic medicine, "THE CAUSE THERAPY". 

It fights specific illnesses and at the same time it gives the strength to the immune system, improves your mood and stabilizes your psycho-emotional state. 

The preparation of the patient
The patient should not use showering gel, lotions, etc. on those skin portions, on which the leeches are going to be applied. A cleaning of the skin before the treatment is possible with water and soap.  Alcohol pads are used right before treatment. For the treatment, the skin of the patient must be dry and warm. Hirudo medicinalis are not attracted to a cold skin.

The leech therapy
Hirudotherapy application is based on individual approach for each patient, patient's diseases, age, weight, condition and many other aspects that are analyzed by the hirudotherapist before the session begins. The older the disease is, the longer it takes to heal it, and more series of hirudo-complexo-therapy (or other methods) are required, however no more then 3 times per year. Series of minimum 3 up to 8 treatments (in one series) are required within 2-3-4- or even 6 days interval and have to be completed by the patient in a timely fashion. You will be informed on any and all methods used, any recommendations, indications and contradictions. For an adult with standard weight and no restricted medical conditions up to 10 leeches may be used during one session.

Subsequent treatment
The blood letting after the suction should not be prevented neither stopped; it increases the effectiveness of the therapy and has a cleaning effect. The wound, as well, is cleaned from the germs. The blood letting usually lasts up to 12-14 hours. The day of the treatment patient should avoid any physical activities. The wounds should not be washed nor soak in warm water for the 24 hours after treatment. Client will be informed precisely on any other appropriate details.  

Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES LEECHES CAN BE REUSED. Every single one has to be disposed right after treatment. 


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